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Our Travels

And another page turns…

So it’s been about a year since my last post… What’s happened in that year? We moved to Melbourne and rented a nice two bedroom apartment in not too far from the city centre. I commute to work (takes an hour), the boys walk to school, and the good wife goes ice skating. In short, … Continue reading »

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Christmas Cruise

Every year, we have to get out the Marina for a couple of weeks over Christmas, to make way for the Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race. Every year it’s a struggle to get the leave period sorted with work, get the boat provisioned, get Christmas shopping done, find a home for the car, etc. What with Dad’s … Continue reading »

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Tassie weather

So it’s a beautiful day today; gentle 5kt NW wind, blue sky dappled with cloud. Yesterday there was snow on the mountain, it barely got into double digit temperatures and there was a brisk 15-20kt SW wind. …talk about unsettled weather. A few weekends ago I took a couple of days off work and we … Continue reading »

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Sovereign Hill

I recently had to go to Ballarat on business, and by good fortune, finished up early. I thought rying to find something to do in a place like Ballarat, in the depths of winter, on a weekday, for half a day was going to be a tall order… Until I found Sovereign Hill. Sovereign Hill … Continue reading »

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Home for next while

We loaded up the dingy and the whole family rowed out to ERIK on Tuesday. It was nice to be back together again, all aboard our home… We spent a relaxing couple of hours waiting for high tide, occurring at 1610. The idea was to wait 15 minutes, then catch the gentle current through the … Continue reading »

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Nearly there…

ERIK turned up in Dunalley yesterday without me. Sigh… Of relief, and… Something else… Experience missed? Regular readers of the blog will have probably guessed that there was a bit of angst with two passage plans gone by. There was more to it than that… Just as we before we hauled out, we got news … Continue reading »

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Current Plan

We are have just tied up at Low Head Pilot Station after buying a few groceries at Georgetown. We had a a wet and bouncy trip up on the outgoing tide, with a heavy swell coming up the river. It’s currently lulling to 20kts, gusting to 35, and I’m really hoping this weather is going … Continue reading »

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New trip plan to get to Hobart

Our last trip plan got hijacked by a storm warning from the Bureau of Meteorology. It wasn’t looking pretty, so we have delayed our departure by a day and we’ll se off in the lee of the storm front. The new plan looks like this: Georgetown to Low Head, 5nm, 1hr, 1000 to 1100 on … Continue reading »

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Trip plan to get to Hobart

Trip Plan: Georgetown to Low Head, 5nm, 1hr, 1000 to 1100 on the 20th. NE winds, 10 to 15Ltd. Low head to Fosters Inlet, 58nm, 2hrs, 1100 to 2300. N to NE winds, 10 to 15kts, easing to 5 to 10. N winds, 10 to 15kts overnight. Fosters inlet to Eddystone Pt., 30nm, 6hrs, 0930 … Continue reading »

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We aren’t the only ones that run aground around here

Early this week, after our weekly shopping trip to Georgetown, we went to the Watch-house Museum in Macquarie St. There, while there we watched a sobering documentary on convict period infant mortality and a project to recognize the plight of the inmates at the Female Factories, both in Georgetown and Hobart. Imagine our surprise when … Continue reading »

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