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And another page turns…

Posted by on September 4, 2016

So it’s been about a year since my last post… What’s happened in that year? We moved to Melbourne and rented a nice two bedroom apartment in not too far from the city centre. I commute to work (takes an hour), the boys walk to school, and the good wife goes ice skating.

In short, we swallowed the anchor.


But then my work started sending me overseas, and life got interesting.

First Bangalore… (That’s actually a shot from Kovalam)

Fisherman on the Beach

Then Denver…


Then San Francisco…


Then Dubai…


In my first 12 months I literally travelled twice around the world, and racked up another two orbits in frequent flyer miles.

But recently I got some news which inspired my to start blogging again… The Deck family are moving overseas.


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