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Author Archives: Mike

And another page turns…

So it’s been about a year since my last post… What’s happened in that year? We moved to Melbourne and rented a nice two bedroom apartment in not too far from the city centre. I commute to work (takes an hour), the boys walk to school, and the good wife goes ice skating. In short, … Continue reading »

Categories: Our Travels | 1 Comment

ERIK has left the family…

it was with sadness and some relief that ERIK has been sold. We hauled her out for an inspection, touched up the anti foul and replaced the anodes while we were at it. There was an issue with delignification around the prop shaft, but the rest of the boat was fine and she passed with … Continue reading »

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We may have a buyer…

a couple from Bruny Island have had their eye on ERIK for quite a while seems. They have put a holding payment down, and we are sorting out the haul out and survey for two weeks time! Not sure whether to be happy or sad, at the moment.

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ERIK is for sale!

Our beloved ERIK is for sale… She’s been described as “the best design for the worst weather” in WoodenBoat magazine, she’s a sister ship to Sir Robin Knox-Johnston’s famous SUHALI, she’s been our traveling home for the past eight years. We bought ERIK from her second owner in Port Adelaide, South Australia. We sailed her … Continue reading »

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Fresh water systems

So we had somebody interested in trading ERIK for their larger boat, plus cash. He came down to look at ERIK and, as you do, wanted to have a look in the bilge. I think it’s been about four years since we cleaned the bilge, and about a year since we pulled the cabin sole … Continue reading »

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Back in the water at last!

We got back floating this morning. After a minor hiccup with a busted attachment point on the forklift (not ERIK’s fault), Rowan at the DSS dropped us in nice and smooth. We tied her up, loaded the dinghy up on the housetop, got the engine started… Hang on, where’s the ignition key… “Honey! Have you … Continue reading »

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Day 7 of our 5 day Haulout

And on the seventh day, we declared that we’d worked pretty bloody hard and couldn’t do much more… So we started in some other projects, like the 12v distribution panels and giving Bonnie, our dinghy a good sand. We also treated ourselves to La Soirée, an awesome show of comedy, cabaret, acrobatics and burlesque. We … Continue reading »

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Day 6 of our 5 day Haulout

Very productive day today! Put the 5 litres of anti foul on, that was supposed to go on yesterday… Painted the rub rail it brilliant red, that was supposed to happen yesterday… Put the anodes on, that was supposed to go on yesterday… So, we are a day late, but my oh my, doesn’t she … Continue reading »

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Day 5 ain’t last day after all…

Rain stopped play. Can’t paint in the rain, so no going in today. The DSS don’t do in/outs on the weekend, so it looks like we won’t return to the sea till Monday.

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Day Four of that crazy Haulout thing us boat owners do

Hauling out at the DSS, we have had quite a number of old salts wander past, admiring ERIK and giving us the benefit of their experience… Albeit while we are swaddled up with breathing masks, eye protection, gloves, toxic chemicals all over the place… What better time to have a chat? That aside, there have … Continue reading »

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