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What I did today

Posted by on September 5, 2011

We rolled on the grass slope near the road. I got a headache, but it was fun. I liked to do it because I was always falling down. When my older brother tried to jump on me, I would dodge.


We found a dead skua, it had feathers scattered all over the place, perhaps by a cat. We found it on a path in the town of Nubeena.

Dad got wet too. He walked around the cliffs, but it was high tide.

I found found a golf ball, in the grass, over on the town side of the bay.

I dragged a massive stick over the sand to get it to the dinghy. I also threw a pinecone at Dad, and Dad got angry at me because I hurt him.

I had fun throwing sticks in the sand, and hitting ants. I was trying to make them stick up in the sand.

I found a massive crab shell and little crab shells and lots of pincers. We had a lot of fun over at Nubeena.

We explored a small island. We called it “Dead rock island”. The tide went out and in.

Here is a crab shell I found on the island.


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