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Haulout at TYC (Day 3)

Posted by on March 8, 2012

Today we had a boat surveyor down to inspect the boat. We need a current survey to renew our insurance.

Gary Smedley (no relation to my grandmother’s family) is a shipwright and used to be the yard foreman at Jock Muir’s yard at Battery Point, in his youth. He loves his cars (he’s got an Elise and a Honda NSX, amongst others) and doesn’t bother to wear shoes for 6 months of the year!

We had a fine time going over ERIK from stem to stern, and parted with some cash for the report, due Monday next week.

We also completed the new chain joins, removing the old rusty shackles:


We got stuck into building the scaffolding around the boat, and scraped back and primered the waterline:


Um… I didn’t go into the engine room. My legs are still too sore and I must admit to not being overly keen should the cramps reoccur. I did go for a walk to Nuts and Bolts for new 316 stainless bolts to replace the current, corroded ones.Tomorrow’s job is to get in there and chisel out all the old evil hairy plywood.

Other news; the refrigeration compressor is stuffed. The refrigeration technician hooked up some gauges to the high a low pressure side of the compressor, and there was very little difference. It was his verdict that the compressor needs to be replaced, as they aren’t serviceable. New Danfoss BD80F compressor? $800.00


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