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Moonrise over Port Arthur

Posted by on September 13, 2011

Hi everyone. Today I got out of the right side of the bed, instead of yesterday, in which I spent the while day in a massive grump.

Today all four of us walked from where the boat was anchored in Port Arthur, up to a shack. There we played Dungeon Siege on our laptops… I’ll explain what Dungeon Siege is; Dungeon Siege is basically a computer game version of Dungeons and Dragons. If you want to know more about Dungeons and Dragons, click here.

My character in the game, called “Noah” (created by friend, and I promised I’d build it up for him) is currently a level 33 and has 1222 health, which is a lot in Dungeon Siege terms, but that’s not much compared to some of the more powerful characters on there, created by mum and dad a long time ago, when they used to play the game together. The toughest character that they’d made has 2700 health points, she is a fighter and has a whole bunch of gadgets that give her plusses to health and strength and other things.

After we tricked about on Dungeon Siege we walked back to Port Arthur where we are currently anchored. Before we got to the dock area I had run ahead and I came by a pademelon in the shrubbery. I had finished chewing on a particularly nice apple and I decided to give the nice white shiny core to this young pademelon. I gently tossed it down about a meter away from the small furry creature. The pademelon moved curiously towards it, but kept to the tree it was near. By this time mum and my brother had got here and when the pademelon got close to the apple core it was glancing up at me constantly. When close enough, the pademelon pounced on the apple core digging it’s claws and it’s sharp teeth into the fruit. It looked up at me then nicked off into the bushes with the apple core in it’s mouth. By this time mum and my brother were laughing their heads off! When I told dad, because he was someway behind, he shrugged and said “sounds like quite a pademelon”, but from the glint in his eye I knew he was amused.

After our incident with the pademelon, we met some nice people fishing on the dock where our dinghy was tied up. When we got back to the boat we enjoyed a fantastic full moon rise. Here are five pictures of it drawn by my own hand… There is also a photo taken by my father.

This is a drawing of it first, when we just noticed the spectacular moonrise…


This drawing is when i decided to do a series of three drawings representing the three parts of the moonrise…


And here is the last one when the moon broke free of the hills and revealed it’s mass…


Here is a picture of the light path the spectacular moonrise created on the water…


…and finally, here is the photo that my father took with his iPhone. I’m sorry all you can only see the moon and the path of light, it was too dark to get any more detail into the photo…


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