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Masts are out!

Posted by on August 18, 2011

Well we left the marina in crappy weather this morning; 20kt easterly and raining.

Everybody will be overjoyed to know that the new regulator and alternator and all the new wiring worked beautifully. It’s a pity the cranking battery is cactus… Matt Orbell, from Green Marine is looking into it tomorrow.

The masts were out by lunchtime. They are now in the dinghy shed over here at the Bellerieve Yacht Club. We are tied up here now, underneath the crane on the main jetty.

The boat seems odd without masts and rigging, that’s for sure. See the shots firstly of her sans booms, and then finally mastless!



The masts are in good nick. There’s some bubbly paint in patches, and the paint is all pretty chalky. We are going to sand and paint them. There’s some old (AC extension cord!) wiring in a channel I can’t get out, so we are going to clip it short and leave it there.

There was a bird nest in the main mast! It must have been from so time ago, it had rotted down and fallen to the base on the inside. It was a odd pile of leaves and potting mix by the time we lifted the mast away.

We have just got back from Bunnings with some 32mm electrical conduit to run all the new electrical wiring in. Kids had fun playing spies in all the aisles… Kept the staff entertained.

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