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Bowling and Horses

Posted by on September 29, 2011

Yesterday we went into Shepperton because Dad needed his hair cut. While he was getting his hair cut, Mum, Alex and I went around looking for a coffee stall. He could find, so we asked the owner of a book stall and he said “I’ll take you there, I’m going myself”.

We went to the coffee stall And had a hot chocolate, with two sugars, but Alex had four. Dad still hadn’t finished, so we went to a pet shop and played with kittens and baby puppies. The kittens where only a month old and the puppies were so young they couldn’t see and were the size of large mice.

Then it started to rain, so when dad got back he suggested ten pin bowling. It is surprisingly difficult for what you do, rolling the ball to hit the pins. But you often knock more pins over than you think. The ball always goes a lot further than you think, but it’s hard to get a good aim.

Alex lost a tooth a while ago, and we. Finally put it out for the Tooth Pirate to collect, but that’s Alex’s story, not mine. Anyway he got two dollars and spent it on a video game after our game of bowling.

After bowling, we went to a place where they bred horses to see foals. A big brown and black mare came up and I patted it. They had puppy too, called “Matrix” who has a dark gravel co our and played with him a lot. Me and Alex ran around in the big wheel where they run the horses.


Tomorrow we leave Shepperton and go to where Mum’s family birthday is. It rained a lot last night and got really windy.

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